The Portland Dystonia Zoo Day is organized by families affected with various forms of dystonia from childhood to adult onset, they are hoping to spread awareness, educate the public, and generate donations for the DMRF. You can help:

Share the flyer with local businesses, or post to local bulletin boards. If you would like additional copies, please contact

You can like or share DMRF posts or create your own! (#letszoothis, #dystoniazooday)

Sponsors reach family and professional audiences in the Portland metro area while partnering with the DMRF to inform the public about dystonia leading to more accurate diagnosis and offer a better path to treatment and improved patient quality of life for those struggling with dystonia. New sponsors also qualify for a 2:1 match!

Use the QR to sign up friends and family!

Each share, tweet, and email helps us spread the word about Dystonia Medical Research Foundation.

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